Glue Factory Show Production Update (Apr)
TLDR: Episodes are nearing completion, we’ve added a second animation team to speed up delivery and the remaining 5 episodes will drop regularly — with shorter periods in between releases.
In March 2022, we premiered Episode 101 in Decentraland. And boy did our Glue Gang — and the wider NFT community, show up in numbers. Melting laptops across the globe, we partied in the Metaverse, broke the POAP distribution unit, and got our first look at the Glue Factory universe.
Stanley and Byron made their Web3 debut, the Glue Factory came to life and the lolz — and the poops (unfortunately) flowed freely.
After the high fives stopped and the pixelated dust settled, the building behind the scenes continued. As we threw ourselves back into production, a stampede of hooves clattered on the ‘wen show’ button and the demand for more episodes, more glue and more POAPs began. Except, this initial release was always intended to be a first look screening and not the start of the complete roll out of the series.
But the community has SPOKEN. So, while our original goal was to roll out the remaining episodes with a monthly drop, our show is so damn snackable, we will be dropping the remaining 5 episodes with shorter wait periods in between.
That said, where are we at right now?
We are RACING towards the finish line at a lightening pace. We’ve updated our pony-packed graphic from December and, as you can see, many hooves are still spinning many plates to bring the glue to you. We’re so, so near completion on Episodes 2, 3 and 4, with 5 and 6 coming together as planned.
Want a more detailed breakdown of each episode, the challenges, stages and spoiler hints? Read on…
Episode 102:
We’ve moved 102 into the mastering phase, Sound FX are now in place and we’re waiting for the finished episode to drop into our inbox any day now. We’ve stacked 15 community contributions as well as 3 community art works into this one. This is the episode that really shows how Web3 and community creativity go hand in hand or hoof in hoof. PLUS we see how Stanley and Byron are adapting to their new world and get a feel for the kind of adventures in store for our dynamic duo.
Unexpected curve ball: Saliva.
Most excited for: Hilarious voice work.
Episode 103:
The new scenes and settings added in 103 brought their fair share of new challenges to the production stable. How does each horse move in this environment, is the scale right and would a Jacked horse really have a six pack? Finesse was needed, and we’ve taken the time to get things right. Especially the six pack.
Unexpected curve ball: Dix.
Most excited for: Colton Dunn’s workout tapes.
Episode 104:
Note: this was originally 105 but we’ve swapped them. This is why 105 is further along in production. Having said that — Animators are deep into 104 to bring you some truly outrageous scenes. From a technical point of view, we’re rolling out some new background angles that haven’t been explored in other episodes — and perspectives can be tricky to nail. You don’t always know what the right angles are until you drop a character into a scene. Re-drawing through sketch after sketch has us really excited to see how the Glue Factory town is shaping up.
Unexpected curveball: Town geography vs perspective.
Most excited for: Side effects.
Episode 105:
From an animation aspect, 105 is a BEAST. Coming in at a touch over 12 minutes and featuring a whole lot of scenes, we brought in the big guns to get this one locked in. Struthless Studios are working with us on 104, 105 and 106, but don’t worry, this is all in the Glue Factory style. Struthless are wizards when it comes to emulating art and they’ve NAILED it here. We just have a couple of glitches to fix in the animation export and 105 will be animation LOCKED! And …Space Fhorse designs are well underway, with plans soon to be revealed.
Unexpected curveball: Scenes, scenes, scenes.
Most excited for: Horse dreams.
Episode 106:
As the pilot series finale, 106 is rightfully EPIC — on all fronts. From the heavy hitting cast to some very technical animation needs — it has all the big plot moments you would expect from a final episode. After nailing the revised storyboard, we’re moving into the blocking phase. No spoilers here, you’ll have to wait for teasers to drop in the Discord…
Unexpected curveball: [redacted]
Most excited for: All of it. All killer, no filler.
We know you’re all just waiting to hit that play button and binge through Series 1 of the Glue Factory Show and we can’t wait to bring it to you! Stay sticky Glue Gang … and, while you wait for the episodes…
Stay up to date with all the latest, by following Glue Factory Show on Twitter.
Read more about our mission on our Website.
And, of course, stop by the barn and say Hay on Discord.
Glue Factory NFT holders can access behind the scenes content — including scripts, stills and clips from upcoming episodes, enter holder only giveaways and chat with the team. For your chance to join the Glue Gang, enter our weekly writing challenges to win NFTs!